Monday, April 20, 2020

Let's Kill Ethanol!

It’s time to kill ethanol.

    Ethanol production in the United States was mandated in 2005 by the federal government. It was supposed to address at the time the shortage of gasoline, and provide some environmental improvements. Fifteen years later, we don’t have a gasoline shortage, and the environmental improvement promises have proven false. But next year, ethanol production is mandated to ramp up to 37 billion gallons a year! With the current oil glut, and 35 of the 40 ethanol production plants already closed, it’s time to pull the plug on this outdated technology.

    Ethanol’s disadvantages and costs have been swept under the carpet. Besides the damage that ethanol does to your car, it doesn’t have the energy output of gasoline, it costs more to produce, and it can’t be pumped down traditional oil pipelines and must be trucked. The total impact of ethanol production for cars does far more damage to the environment than gasoline.

    And most importantly, it’s food. When the U.S. started ethanol production, the price of corn doubled overnight. Mexico City had riots because tortillas were unaffordable. The global demand for corn is high. Why burn it for fuel?

    Congress should repeal the Renewable Fuels Standard before it ramps up again in 2022. Failing that, the President could remove the 10% ethanol mandate for gasoline. Drivers would go back to cars that lasted longer, and were more efficient fuel wise, and we would all be winners.